Posted on: 23 November 2022 Posted by: wlasciciel22 Comments: 0
Jak zrezygnować z Apple Music po przetestowaniu usługi ?

Apple Music is Apple’s proposal for music fans who do not like commercial breaks while listening to their favorite songs. This novelty appeared on the Polish market in 2015 and since then the number of people who willingly use access to music in the so-called “stream” has been systematically increasing. Streaming services are available on all Apple devices and on smart TVs, Android and Windows devices. Of course, most often the Apple Music service is used in smartphones, which for many of us have become the basic device with which we can provide ourselves with top-class entertainment at any time.

What is Apple Music?

Apple Music is a streaming service that allows you to listen to your favorite music on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Android device. You can also use it on a Mac or PC. Subscriptions must first be activated to start using it. You will not need an Apple service for this , and each user can do it himself. Just enable the appropriate settings.

Types of Apple Music subscriptions

A big plus is the free trial period offered by Apple. It lasts three months. After this time, each user will be required to pay for the service. The amount of the fee will depend on the type of package you choose. Apple offers three types of packages – student, individual, family. The cheapest is the student version, and the most expensive package is the family package. In all versions, you can use a huge database of music tracks and video clips, create your own playlists or browse those created by music professionals. The Apple Music app also allows you to listen to live shows and concerts hosted by various figures from the world of music. Radio stations from all over the world are also available.

How do I cancel my Apple Music subscription?

You can opt out of Apple Music at any time. We do not need to use the help of the Apple service , we can do it ourselves according to the instructions given below.Most subscriptions are set to the default auto-renewal mode. This is also the case with Apple Music. To unsubscribe, we must disable the subscription, otherwise our account will continue to be charged. So if you do not want to continue using the service offered by Apple, make sure that unwanted subscriptions are definitely turned off. Assuming that the most frequently used device for listening to music is a smartphone, let’s look at how to eliminate Apple Music on our phone. The easiest way to do this is from the “Music” app. After entering, click on the icon of our profile and select the “Show Apple ID” tab. This operation may require us to confirm it with a password. After approval, we proceed to the subscription.

Another way to get to the subscriptions saved on the device is to use the “Settings” tab and tap on our data. At the bottom, you will see the “Subscriptions” tab. After clicking, we access our subscriptions. So we can check when the free trial period is valid, if we use it. However, if we are a customer who has been using the service for a long time, we can check here what plan we have chosen and what amount we are obliged to pay. At the very bottom of the screen you will find a button that will allow you to cancel the automatic renewal. Just move it to the inactive position and confirm. As you can see, this is a simple task that even a not very advanced user will be able to handle and you will not need the apple service for it .

When is it worth using the Apple service?

However, there are problems that we cannot solve on our own. Apple devices are classified as very delicate equipment and are often exposed to a whole range of faults. Apple smartphone users in particular are frequent customers of the Apple service. This is most often due to the intensive use of the equipment, which is often a kind of management center containing a camera, communicator or equipment for listening to Apple Music in one. Customers come to the service mainly with a cracked or completely damaged screen. Every user has surely had a situation where the phone fell out of hand, something spilled on it or crushed it. Often a gentle hit or fall of the phone from a small height is enough and a visit to the service will be necessary.Repair Apple Gorzów Wielkopolski is prepared for such situations and we can easily replace or repair the screen on our smartphone there. It should be remembered that the cost of such a service is significant due to the high prices of Apple parts. That is why it is worth making efforts and securing our equipment in advance. The best solution will be to invest in a good quality case and a tempered protective glass.

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